Tuesday 11 October 2011

VISIT REPORT (ONE) - Carravaggio, The supper at Emmaus 

Here caravaggio displays, As he always does, A very fluent and distinctive style, The compositional choices the artist has made are yet breath taking but simular to the kinds of choices a photographer when composing an image with figures would even in modern day respect and take note of.It is through his precise choices in composition that the painting enhances light values. The use of light light in his paintings holds very close to reality but at the same time when looking upon this scene for a very long time it then becomes quite difficult to work out where the lighting is actually coming from. This produces certain elements and parts of the picture to be very focussed and dramatic and hold a powerful emotion through the tool of lighting. The light source however it being very dominent and important to the picture is from an unknown source this kind of style known as chiaroscuro is  a very major effect on all of carravaggio's work. It is from painters such as carravaggio that we thank even today in modern film and photography. Light and shadows on a painting, A film and also photography are one of the most powerful tools to be used and can change the mood and also the character who is being lit up and what you think of them.

For example if your shooting a dark and mysterious character would this character come of as dark and mysterious with fluorescent lighting and a yellowy bright light as he enters the room or would his character have more of the mysterious and dark feel if as he enters a room the room is very dark and lit from behind him with little light. Yes the script and the actors mannerism's ect. do obviously play a key role as well but with lighting and respects to chiaroscuro do help i feel significantly in films, paintings and photographs also. 

The image which carravaggio has portrayed is that from a scene from the bible where the resurrected but unidentifiable Jesus reveals himself to two of his disciples only to soon vanish from there sight very soon. The picture itself is made up of many oddity's for example on the right hand side one of the diciples has his arm stretched in a perspectively challenging extension which almost seems to reach form out of the frame also the bowl of food seems to almost be out of the painting too almost as if it is being held by the viewer. The illusions if they were meant would almost seem to point at the idea of the painting is not only to be viewed but for the viewer to almost be a witness in the vision from the bible. 

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