Wednesday 17 November 2010


My theme for my photography project was based around space and time. The whole idea was to take a different approach of space and time. Not in an everyday sense, but more out of a time into a place with ‘surreal’ identity where it was possible to create a place that didn’t relate to a specific time. You could also say into a space and time which doesn’t seem real.
I used a mixture of techniques with the model but mainly tried to keep the photos quite natural and flowing throughout the time spent there. Some were slightly composed as to me wanting certain shots but most of the photos keep an element of naturalness to them. The photos where the model (Catherine) is looking away our mainly the most natural, where as the others when she’s staring into the camera are more to show  a connection not just with me - the photographer - but to the viewer that she is aware of you looking into this surreal place. So this shows a mixture of curiosity, Natural and composed compositions.
After the shoot I experimented on editing all of my favorite pictures on Photoshop CS4. I have used Photoshop ever since starting photography and I find it a great program to work with my photos. Generally on most photos I have changed the levels increasing the blues on quite a few and even yellow on others. Even to the black and whites this was done first and added black and white on top. I also played around with exposure and gamma effects to add softer tones to certain pictures. I’m not one of the strongest people on Photoshop but I feel I’m at a confident level and very open to help. If I find myself stuck on how to do something I watch tutorials and learn that way. All in all with this shoot I did prefer the edited ones to the originals so I’m happy with the different effects and outcomes which I have produced using the program Photoshop.
The set for the photos is key to what I wanted to create. The place in which they were photographed is somewhere neither me nor the model knew. So the photos often show elements of curiosity and interest in the surroundings, and both of us work to explore them. The only difference is I had a camera. This personally gave me a great chance to do photos concentrating on one person as I have never done anything like this previously and has helped me have the confidence to do something like this again. Possibly in the future I’d like to explore a different place like I have done in this shoot, but maybe with another photographer and work side by side photographing each other exploring the place and use both our images as a combined set of photos. This would relate to some of the same ideas as this set with Catherine but with a very different outcome as this shoot mainly concentrated through only one person’s eye not both. 

For full size and better quality photo's visit my Flickr - set's - Catherine -

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